Monday, 19 January 2015

Procurement Awareness - Training


Last week I suggested Procurement weren't very good at engaging internal stakeholders. I went on to suggest in the following blog when we're not communicating enough with these stakeholders they don't understand what procurement is all about and so try to do it themselves without us.

One means of increasing internal stakeholder awareness of what procurement is all about is to share what best practice is with them. Having done this many times in the past it's certainly the most direct way of internal stakeholders understanding there's more to it than they first thought and to leave it to the professionals.

The problem is how do we convey there's more to procurement than many think: 

Suggestions include:
  • Sharing the horror stories of procurement gone wrong ie when muddling through didn't work - examples here in my Pinterest board (please let me know others).
  • Sharing the benefits of when procurement has succeeded.
  • Sharing the process we follow and bringing it alive - as per AT Kearney's above.
  • Using a metaphor for procurement - gardening is such a great example - as most people realise a garden needs to be mowed, weeded and pruned even if they don't realise suppliers do.
Do let me know other ways you've successfully increased your internal stakeholders awareness of the procurement profession.

Throughout this week we will be exploring different means of improving relationships with internal stakeholders using a variety of tools - Frameworks for Change Coaching Process, Creative Whack Pack, Oblique Strategies, Standing in their shoes and in personal coaching sessions collage cards and the Transformation Game.

Alison Smith
Inspiring change inside and out - when what you're doing isn't working.

The coaching and facilitation I offer is specifically aimed at identifying what it holding you or your team back from achieving your objectives and part of this will often include improving stakeholder relationships.

More here on the type of coaching I offer, and more specifically when someone else might be the more ideal coach for you. Call me +44 (0)7770 538159 or email

1 comment:

  1. Your article is very nice & informative, thanks for the sharing with us.
