Wednesday 12 June 2013

The Transformation Game

I'm a facilitator of the Transformation Game and run sessions for up to 4 people. It's a personal (and spiritual if you want it to be) development tool and I'd suggest isn't for the faint hearted :-). The FCP is its business cousin, and as the name suggests it's undertaken in the format of a game: set intention, role dice, move to a square, process the square and move on - which is much easier than it sounds. The outcome is insight into what you need to continue to do, what you might wish to stop doing and what would help if you started to do it to achieve your outcome or intention.

To understand the profound impact it can have this process is best experienced than read about. I have set up a board on Pinterest to share some insights from some games I've done myself recently, but they're a poor imitation of the shift that can happen as a result of fully engaging with the process. There's also some notes from a solo game I did myself on the intention how to find life balance that may provide a little more insight into what's possible.

You'll need to be willing to invest 2.5 hours per person or 8 hours for a 4 person game. I would however suggest it will be one of the best investments you've ever made for your own personal development. (yes I know I'm biased but I wouldn't use the process with people if I wasn't convinced of its efficacy and ability to help people shift and embrace life more fully.)

The process, the insight, setback and angel cards used here are from the Transformation Game © Innerlinks - ANGEL ® CARDS (a registered trademark of InnerLinks, Asheville NC, USA) © 1981 Drake and Tyler; produced by Narada Media, 4650 N. Port Washington Rd, Milwaukee, WI 53212 USA. Use by permission.

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